TIBantUser GuideVersion 17



TIBant allows you to free up your time so that you can spend more energy and development dollars on delivering crucial integration and services and less time on the basics of writing the scripts necessary to get your code built and into production.

TIBant is provided as a set of targets, tasks and macros for Apache Ant, the extremely popular software tool used for automating software build processes.

TIBant not only builds and deploys your BusinessWorks (BW) engines, it also offers a range of innovative features including Designer Launch Control, Property File to Engine Configuration Translation and Service WSDL Generation.

Designer Launch Control allows you to launch TIBCO Designer from Ant, and working on a project-by-project basis from within each project’s build script, will specify and control your file aliases, class paths and other settings. No more need to waste valuable time on incorrect file-aliases.

Property File to Engine Configuration Translation gives you the ability to specify BusinessWorks engine properties in simple property files. TIBant then lets you use these files to generate AppManage-compatible configuration files for each of your environments and is even smart enough to tell you when you’ve forgotten to set a global variable, such as a database password for the production environment.

Service WSDL Generation saves time and money by removing the manual steps currently required to produce a concrete WSDL for Service defined within your project. Even more importantly, because it allows you to specify the global variables to use when generating the WSDL, you will be able to generate a correct WSDL for each environment.


The TIBant homepage can be found at http://tibant.com . Community discussion forums for TIBant can be found at http://windyroad.com.au/discussion/ and the Windy Road team is looking forward to answering your support questions at http://windyroad.com.au/support/ .

More information about Apache Ant can be found at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apache_Ant and full documentation for Apache Ant can be found at http://ant.apache.org/manual/index.html

© Windy Road Technology Pty. Limited 2009-2014

All Rights Reserved.


Please see the TIBant End User License Agreement supplied with this software. If a copy of the TIBant End User License Agreement was not provided with this software, you may request a copy from http://windyroad.org/support/ .

System Requirements

TIBant is compatible with the following software:

Name Version
Apache Ant 1.8.2 to 1.9.4
TIBCO BusinessWorks5.2 to 5.12.0

TIBant is supported on the following platforms that BusinessWorks is supported on

TIBant should also work on versions of HPUX and AIX that BusinessWorks is supported on, however we do not explicitly test TIBant on those platforms. If you have any issues using TIBant on HPUX or AIX please contact Windy Road Support.

Using TIBant

Step one: Pick a BW project

Step two: Create a file called build.xml in a folder above the BW project. e.g. We usually have the build.xml located somewhere like <SomePath>\MyCoolBWProject\build.xml and the actual BW code at <SomePath>\MyCoolProject\src\main\bw\MyCoolProject

Step three: Add the following content to the build.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project default="designer" name="MyCoolProject">
        <url url="http://windyroad.com.au/tibant-importer/17/full.xml" />

Step four: If you haven't already, install Apache Ant (http://ant.apache.org). Version 1.8.2 or newer will do. Make sure it's installed correctly by opening a command prompt and running ant -version.

Step five: From the same directory as your build.xml run ant -p on the command line to get a list of targets you can run. You'll be asked a number of questions. If you make a mistake, it stores the answers in the Configuration Settings files desribed below, which you can fix with a text editor.

Step six: From the same directory as your build.xml run ant designer, ant ear and ant validate. They should all just work.

Configuration Settings

When you run TIBant, it will look for configuration settings in the following files:

Filename Description
${user.home}/${ant.project.name}.properties Used to store developer specific settings for a specific project
${user.home}/build.properties Used to store developer specific settings for all projects, such as the Windy Road download server credentials
${basedir}/build.properties Used to store project settings that are the same for all developers
${basedir}/ivy.xml Used to specify project dependencies
${basedir}/ivysettings.xml Used to specify where project dependencies should be downloaded/copied from and built artifacts should be uploaded/copied to


If TIBant is unable to find the configuration setting it is looking for, it will ask you for the correct value for that setting and store the value in either ${user.home}/build.properties or ${basedir}/build.properties.

NOTE: The following files should be added to you source control for the project

Property Name Description Default
bwda.bw.project.path Path to your BW project code. The relative path to the first directory found containing a vcrepo.dat file.
bwda.build.dir Path to the directory where TIBant should place generated files. build
ivy.lib.dir Path to the directory where TIBant should download dependencies to. lib
bwda.classpath.dir Path to a directory where TIBant should look for JAR files to automatically include in the TIBCO executables classpaths. lib
bwda.aliases.dir Path to a directory where TIBant should look for PROJLIB files to automatically include as file aliases and design-time libraries. lib
ivy.organisation Name of the company, department, group or individual that your project belongs to, typically in reverse domain name format. e.g., au.com.windyroad, org.apache. com.example.integration
bwda.expected.errors The number of errors reported when your BW project is validated. 0
bwda.max.warnings The number of warnings reported when your BW project is validated. 0
bwda.repo.dir The absolute path to a shared directory where dependencies should be copied from and built artifacts should be published to. none
bwda.pipeline.version The version of the project's artifacts that will be used to create a configuration or that will be deployed. The most recent version in your artifact repository
bwda.config.deploy.dirThe path to the directory where TIBant should load deployment properties from. config/deploy
bwda.config.gvar.dir The path to the directory where TIBant should load global variable properties from. config/gvar
bwda.config.sdk.dir The path to the directory where TIBant should load Adapter SDK properties from. config/sdk
bwda.config.fail.on.unset.global.variables.@{ear}If true TIBant will fail the build if there are global variables in the EAR that are missing from the project's global variables properties files. false
bwda.config.fail.on.unknown.sdk.properties.@{ear}If true TIBant will fail the build if there are properties in the project's Adapter SDK properties files that are noT present in the EAR and will be ignored by BW.false
bwda.deployment.domainThe TIBCO Administrator domain that you wish to create a configuration for or deploy to. none
bwda.pipeline.${bwda.deployment.domain}.config.versionThe version of the project's configuration for the specified domain that should be used during deployment. The most recent version in your artifact repository for the version of the bwda.pipeline.version EARs for the specified domain.

NOTE: All paths are relative to your ${basedir} unless otherwise specified

NOTE: bwda.pipeline.version, bwda.deployment.domain and bwda.pipeline.${bwda.deployment.domain}.config.version are not persisted by TIBant and should be passed in from the command line or by your CI server.


TIBant assumes that you will be using a shared directory to upload and download artifacts and dependencies. However ${basedir}/ivysettings.xml can be modified to instead use a Maven-compatible artifact repository (e.g. JFrog's Artifactory), ssh, sftp, subversion and more. Please see http://ant.apache.org/ivy/history/latest-milestone/settings/resolvers.html and https://code.google.com/p/ivysvn/ for more details or contact Windy Road support if you have any questions about artifact storage.


TIBant will automatically download JAR files and PROJLIB files that are specified as dependencies in your ${basedir}/ivy.xml and configure and configure designer, buildear, etc to use these files. Please see http://ant.apache.org/ivy/history/latest-milestone/ivyfile/dependencies.html for more details on specifiying dependencies or contact Windy Road support if you have any questions about specifying dependencies.

You can search for public JAR files that you can add as dependencies at http://search.maven.org/ or http://mvnrepository.com/


As of TIBant v17, TIBant provides a number of Apache Ant targets for performing typical tasks for a BW project.


Builds the project's EAR files and PROJLIB files. TIBant will automatically determine what to build based on the .archive files and .libbuilder files in your project. It will also automatically retrieve the project's dependencies (PROJLIB files and JAR files) as specified in the project's ${basedir}/ivy.xml file.

Additional JAR files and PROJLIB file that cannot be downloaded/copied from your artifact repository can be configured as file aliases by adding properties to ${basedir}/build.properties in the following format:




The built files will be created in ${bwda.build.dir}.


Removes all the files in ${bwda.build.dir}.


Retrieves the version of the project's EARs specified by ${bwda.pipeline.version}, extracts the template configuration files, and builds configuration files for the TIBCO Administrator domain specified by ${bwda.deployment.domain}.


Retrieves the version of the project's EARs specified by ${bwda.pipeline.version}, the version of the project's configuration specified by, ${bwda.deployment.domain} and ${bwda.pipeline.${bwda.deployment.domain}.config.version} and deploys them to the TIBCO Administrator domain specified by ${bwda.deployment.domain}.

NOTE: The host on which this is run must be a member of the specified TIBCO Administrator domain.


Opens the project in TIBCO Designer. TIBant will automatically retrieve the project's dependencies (PROJLIB files and JAR files) as specified in the project's ${basedir}/ivy.xml file and configure Designer's classpath, design time libraries and file aliases accordingly.

As per build, additional file aliases can be configured using engine.aliases.* properties


As per the build target, except only EAR files will be built.


As per the build target, except only PROJLIB files will be built.


Retrieves a "snapshot" version of a project's EARs and PROJLIBs specified by ${bwda.pipeline.version} and republishes them as "release" versions. This is used as a way to indicate that a version of a project's EARs and PROJLIBs have passed applicable quality gates and have been deemed fit for production deployment.


As per configure-ear and additionally the generated configuration files are uploaded/copied to your artifact repository.


As per build and additionally the generated EARs and PROJLIBs are uploaded/copied to your artifact repository as "snapshot" versions.


Validates the project. TIBant will automatically retrieve the project's dependencies (PROJLIB files and JAR files) as specified in the project's ${basedir}/ivy.xml file and configure Designer's classpath, design tiem libraries and file aliases accordingly.

As per build, additional file aliases can be configured using engine.aliases.* properties

Customising and Extending TIBant

TIBant is extremely customisable and extendable to suit your particular needs. The following sections detail the Apache Ant custom tasks and macros provided by TIBant. An understanding of Apache Ant is assumed. If you need help customising or extending TIBant, please contact Windy Road Support.


As of TIBant v16, TIBant provides a new set of TIBCO specific custom tasks implemented as an antlib.

To use the TIBant antlib you need to specify a namespace prefix, which can be done by adding xmlns:tibant-al="antlib:com.tibant" to the root project element in your build file. For example

<project default="build" name="MyProject" xmlns:tibant-al="antlib:com.tibant">

You can then load the TIBant antlib custom tasks using a taskdef as follows:

<taskdef uri="antlib:com.tibant" resource="com/tibant/antlib.xml">
        <pathelement location="${TIBant.jar}" />

XML Import

NOTE: Import of tibant.xml will be deprecated in future versions, in favour of the antlib mentioned in the previous section

TIBant is used by importing tibant.xml into your Apache Ant build file. If you are new to Apache Ant and don't have a build file, you can find a starter guide at http://ant.apache.org/manual/using.html

To import TIBant into your build file, add the following code

<property name="tibant.home" location="C:/Program Files/TIBant"/>
<import file="${tibant.home}/tibant.xml"/>

You also need to specify a namespace prefix for the TIBant macros, which can be done by adding xmlns:tibant="org.windyroad.tibant" to the root project element in your build file. For example

<project default="build" name="MyProject" xmlns:tibant="org.windyroad.tibant">

Lastly, TIBant uses a number of Ant tasks provided by the ant-contrib library. If you do not already load ant-contrib in your build file, then you also need to add the following line after your TIBant import call. This can be added either at the top level or within a target, so long as it get's called before any of the other TIBant macros.


You will now be able access the TIBant macros from within your build file using the tibant: prefix. For instance, the following code creates a target that builds an Enterprise Archive by calling the build-ear TIBant macro.

<target name="ear" description="Builds the ear for the project">
	<tibant:build-ear dir="src/bw" project="MyProject" ear="/Build/MyProject" out="build/MyProject.ear"/>

The example project provided, demonstrates how TIBant can be used to build a TIBCO BusinessWorks project, run it locally or deploy to different environements with different configurations.

TRA Values

Various properties and macro attributes documented below allow you to control the value of properties and paths within the tra files used by the TIBCO executables. To allow you to prepend or append to the existing values, a special token %EXISTING-VALUE% may be used. For instance to prepend lib/mylib.jar to a path, you would specifiy


If you wish to append the jar, you would specify


To completely replace the path with your jar, you would specify


Property Sets

References to Property Sets are used by a number of macros. These properties are used in various ways such as to determine the values that should be mapped into the Enterprise Archive configuration file, Global Variables to use when running the the engine locally or when launching designer. Full documentation for the propertyset type can be found at http://ant.apache.org/manual/CoreTypes/propertyset.html

Within a propertyset, a propertyref may be used to select a set of properties based on a prefix or a regular expression. For instance, to select all the properties starting with dev. you would use

<propertyref prefix='dev.'/>

Within a propertyset, a mapper may be used to modify the property name. For instance, to remove a dev. prefix you would use

<mapper type='glob' from='dev.*' to='*'/>

Full documentation for the mappers can be found at http://ant.apache.org/manual/CoreTypes/mapper.html

A propertyref and mapper can be combined to allow you to specify properties that apply only to a particular environment. For instance, the following property set will select all properties prefixed by dev. and then remove that prefix.

<propertyset id="my-dev-gvars">
	<propertyref prefix='dev.'/>
	<mapper type='glob' from='dev.*' to='*'/>

This approach can be used with the property file loading to allow you store a heirarchy of properties in a number of java properties files. For instance

<property file="myproject-dev-gvars.properties" prefix="myproject.dev."/>
<property file="myproject-gvars.properties" prefix="myproject.dev."/>
<property file="dev-gvars.properties" prefix="myproject.dev."/>
<property file="common-gvars.properties" prefix="myproject.dev."/>

From this we can then create a propertyset of global variables for the myproject project in Dev

<propertyset id="myproject-dev-gvars">
	<propertyref prefix='myproject.dev.'/>
	<mapper type="glob" from="myproject.dev.*" to="*"/>

Apache Ant Tasks

The following section details each of the Apache Ant Tasks provided by the TIBant antlib


Starts a BusinessWorks engine within the current JVM.

(Available since version 16)

NOTE: Only one engine can be run in embedded mode within one JVM at a time.


Parameters specified as attributes.

Name Description Required Default
dirThe directory the TIBCO Designer Project is in. e.g., src/bwYes, unless the tibco.repourl property is specifiedn/a
projectThe name of the TIBCO Designer Project. e.g., MyProjectYes, unless the tibco.repourl property is specifiedn/a
createDTLFileIf true, create the /.designtimelibs file in the project root directory, based on the aliases specified.Notrue
aliasesRefIdA propertyset refid for the file aliases needed by the project. This is a convenience attribute. All the alias will automatically be mapped to tibco.alias.* propertiesNon/a
globalVariableRefIdA propertyset refid for the global variables to be used by the project. This is a convenience attribute. All the global variables will automatically be mapped to tibco.clientVar.* propertiesNon/a
engineDirThe working directory for BW to use. This is a convenience attribute that is automatically be mapped to the Engine.Dir propertyNocurrent working directory
configRefIdThe configuration reference ID to use. If antlib:org.windyroad.tibant:configure has not been called with this ID, it will be called automaticallyNotibant.default


Parameters specified as nested elements.

Name Description Optional Implicit
propertyProperty to pass to the BW engineYesNo
propertysetProperties to pass to the BW engineYesNo


Stops a BusinessWorks engine running within the current JVM.

(Available since version 16)


Configures properties that TIBant will use to generate TRA files for running the TIBCO components.

The default behaviour is to load the properties from the appropriate TRA files, using @{configId}. as a prefix.

To override the values for the TRA properties, specify the new values using the property and propertyset nested elements. e.g.,

    <property name="tibco.env.HEAP_SIZE" value="512M"/>

Multiple calls to tibant:configure can be made using different configId values. This can be used to override a TRA property with a value from a TRA property. e.g.,

<tibant:configure configId="tibant.existing"/> 
   <property name="tibco.env.CUSTOM_EXT_PREPEND_CP"

(Available since version 16)


Parameters specified as attributes.

Name Description Required Default
DesignerHomeThe path to the TIBCO Designer installation directory. If not specified, it will search for a designer.tra file starting at the directory specified by the tibco.home.designer property, the TibHome attribute, the the TIB_HOME environment variable, the tibco.home property, /opt/tibco/designer, C:/tibco/desginer, /opt/tibco, C:/tibco, or the root directory.No n/a
TibHomeThe path to the TIBCO installation directory. If not specified, it will default to the TIBCO_HOME environment variable, the tibco.home property, or it will be determined from @{DesignerHome}/bin/designer.tra Non/a
TraHomeThe path to the TIBCO TRA installation directory. If not specified, it will default to the tibco.home.tra property or it will be determined from @{DesignerHome}/bin/designer.traNon/a
TpclHomePath to the TIBCO TPCL installation directory. If not specified, it will default to the tibco.home.tpcl property or it will be determined from @{DesignerHome}/bin/designer.traNon/a
HawkHomePath to the TIBCO HAWK installation directory. If not specified, it will default to the tibco.home.hawk property or it will be determined from @{DesignerHome}/bin/designer.tra Non/a
RvHomePath to the TIBCO RV installation directory If not specified, it will default to the tibco.home.rv property or it will be determined from @{DesignerHome}/bin/designer.traNon/a
BwHomePath to the TIBCO BusinessWorks installation directory. If not specified, it will default to the tibco.home.bw property or it will be determined from @{DesignerHome}/bin/designer.traNon/a
configIdThe configuration ID usable in the configRefId attributes of the TIBant tasks. NOTE: the TIBant tasks will search by default for the configuration with the ID "tibant.default", which is the default value.Notibant.default


Parameters specified as nested elements.

Name Description Optional Implicit
propertyUsed to override a TRA propertyYesNo
propertysetUsed to override a TRA propertyYesNo

Apache Ant Macros

The following section details each of the Apache Ant macros provided by TIBant


Peforms an action on TIBCO Administrator using the AppManage utility. All action are exectued in batch mode. Applications to perform the action on are specified using the app macro as nested elements.


Parameters specified as attributes.


The batch action to perform. e.g. upload


The Administrator domain to perform the action on. The host must be a member of that domain. e.g., DEV


The Administrator domain user that has permissions to perform the action. e.g., admin. Required if credentials-file is not set




The password for the specified user. Obfuscated passwords are not supported. To use obfuscated passwords use the credentials file. Required if credentials-file is not set




The file containing the obfuscated Administrator domain username and password that has permissions to perform the action. Required if username and password are not set




The working directory to use. e.g., build




A description to pass to AppManage for a deployment.




Set true to send the -nostart flag to AppManage.




Set true to send the -nostop flag to AppManage.




Set true to send the -force flag to AppManage.






Parameters specified as nested elements.


Used to specify applications to perform the action on via nested app macros.

NOTE: This element is implicit, which means there is no need to add it as a nested element. Instead you should create nested app elements. See example below.



<tibant:administrator action="deploy" domain="LOCAL" username="sa" password="sa">
    <tibant:app name="Test" ear="build/Test.ear" xml="build/Test.xml" />

The above example deploys to the LOCAL domain, the application named Test using the ear found at build/Test.ear with the configuration found at build/Test.xml


Configure Enterprise Archives on an Administrator domain.


Parameters specified as attributes.


The Administrator domain to perform the action on. The host must be a member of that domain. e.g., DEV


The Administrator domain user that has permissions to perform the action. e.g., admin. Required if credentials-file is not set




The password for the specified user. Obfuscated passwords are not supported. To use obfuscated passwords use the credentials file. Required if credentials-file is not set




The file containing the obfuscated Administrator domain username and password that has permissions to perform the action. Required if username and password are not set




The working directory to use. e.g., build




A description to pass to AppManage for a deployment.




Parameters specified as nested elements.


Used to specify applications to perform the action on via nested app macros.

NOTE: This element is implicit, which means there is no need to add it as a nested element. Instead you should create nested app elements. See example below.



<tibant:administrator-config domain="LOCAL" username="sa" password="sa">
    <tibant:app name="Test" xml="build/Test.xml" />


Delete (and optionally undeploy) Applications on an Administrator domain.


Parameters specified as attributes.


The Administrator domain to perform the action on. The host must be a member of that domain. e.g., DEV


The Administrator domain user that has permissions to perform the action. e.g., admin. Required if credentials-file is not set




The password for the specified user. Obfuscated passwords are not supported. To use obfuscated passwords use the credentials file. Required if credentials-file is not set




The file containing the obfuscated Administrator domain username and password that has permissions to perform the action. Required if username and password are not set




The working directory to use. e.g., build




Set true to send the -force flag to AppManage.




Parameters specified as nested elements.


Used to specify applications to perform the action on via nested app macros.

NOTE: This element is implicit, which means there is no need to add it as a nested element. Instead you should create nested app elements. See example below.



Deploy Applications (and optionally upload Enterrpise archives and configure them) on an Administrator domain.


Parameters specified as attributes.


The Administrator domain to perform the action on. The host must be a member of that domain. e.g., DEV


The Administrator domain user that has permissions to perform the action. e.g., admin. Required if credentials-file is not set




The password for the specified user. Obfuscated passwords are not supported. To use obfuscated passwords use the credentials file. Required if credentials-file is not set




The file containing the obfuscated Administrator domain username and password that has permissions to perform the action. Required if username and password are not set




The working directory to use. e.g., build




A description to pass to AppManage for a deployment.




Set true to send the -nostart flag to AppManage.




Set true to send the -nostop flag to AppManage.




Parameters specified as nested elements.


Used to specify applications to perform the action on via nested app macros.

NOTE: This element is implicit, which means there is no need to add it as a nested element. Instead you should create nested app elements. See example below.



<tibant:administrator-deploy domain="LOCAL" username="sa" password="sa"
                             nostop="true" description="Deployed version 1.2.3 per CR#1567">
    <tibant:app name="Test" ear="build/Test.ear" xml="build/Test.xml" />


Export Applications from an Administrator domain.


Parameters specified as attributes.


The Administrator domain to perform the action on. The host must be a member of that domain. e.g., DEV


The Administrator domain user that has permissions to perform the action. e.g., admin. Required if credentials-file is not set




The password for the specified user. Obfuscated passwords are not supported. To use obfuscated passwords use the credentials file. Required if credentials-file is not set




The file containing the obfuscated Administrator domain username and password that has permissions to perform the action. Required if username and password are not set




The working directory to use. e.g., build




Parameters specified as nested elements.


Used to specify applications to perform the action on via nested app macros.

NOTE: This element is implicit, which means there is no need to add it as a nested element. Instead you should create nested app elements. See example below.



Forcefully stop Applications on an Administrator domain.


Parameters specified as attributes.


The Administrator domain to perform the action on. The host must be a member of that domain. e.g., DEV


The Administrator domain user that has permissions to perform the action. e.g., admin. Required if credentials-file is not set




The password for the specified user. Obfuscated passwords are not supported. To use obfuscated passwords use the credentials file. Required if credentials-file is not set




The file containing the obfuscated Administrator domain username and password that has permissions to perform the action. Required if username and password are not set




The working directory to use. e.g., build




Parameters specified as nested elements.


Used to specify applications to perform the action on via nested app macros.

NOTE: This element is implicit, which means there is no need to add it as a nested element. Instead you should create nested app elements. See example below.



Start Applications on an Administrator domain.


Parameters specified as attributes.


The Administrator domain to perform the action on. The host must be a member of that domain. e.g., DEV


The Administrator domain user that has permissions to perform the action. e.g., admin. Required if credentials-file is not set




The password for the specified user. Obfuscated passwords are not supported. To use obfuscated passwords use the credentials file. Required if credentials-file is not set




The file containing the obfuscated Administrator domain username and password that has permissions to perform the action. Required if username and password are not set




The working directory to use. e.g., build




Parameters specified as nested elements.


Used to specify applications to perform the action on via nested app macros.

NOTE: This element is implicit, which means there is no need to add it as a nested element. Instead you should create nested app elements. See example below.



Gracefully stop Applications on an Administrator domain.


Parameters specified as attributes.


The Administrator domain to perform the action on. The host must be a member of that domain. e.g., DEV


The Administrator domain user that has permissions to perform the action. e.g., admin. Required if credentials-file is not set




The password for the specified user. Obfuscated passwords are not supported. To use obfuscated passwords use the credentials file. Required if credentials-file is not set




The file containing the obfuscated Administrator domain username and password that has permissions to perform the action. Required if username and password are not set




The working directory to use. e.g., build




Parameters specified as nested elements.


Used to specify applications to perform the action on via nested app macros.

NOTE: This element is implicit, which means there is no need to add it as a nested element. Instead you should create nested app elements. See example below.



Undeploy Applications on an Administrator domain.


Parameters specified as attributes.


The Administrator domain to perform the action on. The host must be a member of that domain. e.g., DEV


The Administrator domain user that has permissions to perform the action. e.g., admin. Required if credentials-file is not set




The password for the specified user. Obfuscated passwords are not supported. To use obfuscated passwords use the credentials file. Required if credentials-file is not set




The file containing the obfuscated Administrator domain username and password that has permissions to perform the action. Required if username and password are not set




The working directory to use. e.g., build




A description to pass to AppManage for a deployment.




Parameters specified as nested elements.


Used to specify applications to perform the action on via nested app macros.

NOTE: This element is implicit, which means there is no need to add it as a nested element. Instead you should create nested app elements. See example below.



Upload Enterprise Archives (and optionally configure them) to an Administrator domain.


Parameters specified as attributes.


The Administrator domain to perform the action on. The host must be a member of that domain. e.g., DEV


The Administrator domain user that has permissions to perform the action. e.g., admin. Required if credentials-file is not set




The password for the specified user. Obfuscated passwords are not supported. To use obfuscated passwords use the credentials file. Required if credentials-file is not set




The file containing the obfuscated Administrator domain username and password that has permissions to perform the action. Required if username and password are not set




The working directory to use. e.g., build




A description to pass to AppManage for a deployment.




Parameters specified as nested elements.


Used to specify applications to perform the action on via nested app macros.

NOTE: This element is implicit, which means there is no need to add it as a nested element. Instead you should create nested app elements. See example below.



<tibant:administrator-upload domain="LOCAL" username="sa" password="sa">
    <tibant:app name="Test" ear="build/Test.ear" xml="build/Test.xml" />


Used with the administrator macros to specify the applications, Enterprise Archives and configuration files to work with.


Parameters specified as attributes.


The name of the application. e.g., MyProject


The location of the enterprise archive. e.g., build/MyProject.ear


The location of the configuration file. e.g., build/MyProject.xml



Builds a TIBCO BusinessWorks Enterprise Archive or Design Time Library.

NOTE: On Linux based systems an X-server is required to run the buildear and buildlibrary executables that this macro uses. On headless systems Xvfb can be used to meet this requirement: http://www.x.org/releases/X11R7.6/doc/man/man1/Xvfb.1.xhtml


Parameters specified as attributes.


Whether to build and Enterprise Archive or Design Time Library. e.g., ear or lib


The path within the TIBCO Designer project to the Enterprise Archive or Library Builder resource. e.g., /Build/MyProject


The name of the TIBCO Designer Project. e.g., MyProject


The directory the TIBCO Designer Project is in. e.g., src/bw


A propertyset refid for the file aliases needed by the project




The working directory. e.g., build/working/@{project}




If true, create the /.designtimelibs file in the project root directory, based on the aliases referenced by aliases-refid




The output file for the Enterprise Archive. e.g., build/MyProject.ear


if true, validate the project before building




The output file for the validation results. e.g., build/working/@{project}/validation.log. Ignored if @{validate} is false.




The number of errors expected during validation. Ignored if @{validate} is false. If the number of validation errors doee not equal this value then the macro will fail.

Normally you whould not change this from 0, however there are times when a project produces validation errors (e.g. when using the preceding-sibling XPath axis), but you have confirmed that it does operate correctly. In these sitbuildions, you can still use this macro to validate your project, by specifying the number of expected errors.

NOTE: The macro will fail if there are less errors than expected. This is to prevent sitbuildions where you have a number of expected validation errors, and then someone makes a change that results in one of them being removed. At this point, unless this macro fails, it would be possible for new unexpected validation errors (that have not been confirmed to operate correctly) to be introduced.

(Available since verison 1.4.0)




The maximum number of warnings permitted during validation. If the number of validation warnings exceeds this value then the macro will fail.

(Available since version 1.4.0)




Force the re-creation of the Enterprise Archive, even if the TIBCO Designer project has not changed.




Specifies the initial Java heap size to allocate




the value to use for tibco.env.PATH




the value to use for tibco.class.path.extended




the value to use for java.property.palettePath




the value to use for tibco.env.LD_LIBRARY_PATH, tibco.env.SHLIB_PATH and tibco.env.LIBPATH




Specifies the remaining command line arguments to pass into the application:

  • -d: to activate the debug info dump
  • -help: to print a list of acceptable command line arguments



Builds a TIBCO BusinessWorks Enterprise Archive.

NOTE: On Linux based systems an X-server is required to run the buildear executable that this macro uses. On headless systems Xvfb can be used to meet this requirement: http://www.x.org/releases/X11R7.6/doc/man/man1/Xvfb.1.xhtml


Parameters specified as attributes.


The path within the TIBCO Designer project to the Enterprise Archive resource. e.g., /Build/MyProject


The name of the TIBCO Designer Project. e.g., MyProject


The directory the TIBCO Designer Project is in. e.g., src/bw


A propertyset refid for the file aliases needed by the project




The working directory. e.g., build/working/@{project}




If true, create the /.designtimelibs file in the project root directory, based on the aliases referenced by aliases-refid




The output file for the Enterprise Archive. e.g., build/MyProject.ear


if true, validate the project before building




The output file for the validation results. e.g., build/working/@{project}/validation.log. Ignored if @{validate} is false.




The number of errors expected during validation. Ignored if @{validate} is false. If the number of validation errors doee not equal this value then the macro will fail.

Normally you whould not change this from 0, however there are times when a project produce validation errors (e.g. when using the preceding-sibling XPath axis), but you have confirmed that it does operate correclty. In these sitbuildions, you can still use this macro to validate your project, by specifying the number of expected errors.

NOTE: The macro will fail if there are less errors than expected. This is to prevent sitbuildions where you have a number of expected validation errors, and then someone makes a change which results in one of them being removed. At this point, unless this macro fails, it would be possible for new unexpected validation errors (that have not been confirmed to operate correctly) to be introduced.

(Available since verison 1.4.0)




The maximum number of warnings permitted during validation. If the number of validation warnings exceeds this value then the macro will fail.

(Available since version 1.4.0)




Force the re-creation of the Enterprise Archive, even if the TIBCO Designer project has not changed.




Specifies the initial Java heap size to allocate




the value to use for tibco.env.PATH




the value to use for tibco.class.path.extended




the value to use for java.property.palettePath




the value to use for tibco.env.LD_LIBRARY_PATH, tibco.env.SHLIB_PATH and tibco.env.LIBPATH




Specifies the remaining command line arguments to pass into the application

  • -d: to activate the debug info dump
  • -help: to print a list of acceptable command line arguments



Builds a TIBCO BusinessWorks design time library (DTL).

NOTE: On Linux based systems an X-server is required to run the buildlibrary executable that this macro uses. On headless systems Xvfb can be used to meet this requirement: http://www.x.org/releases/X11R7.6/doc/man/man1/Xvfb.1.xhtml


Parameters specified as attributes.


The path within the TIBCO Designer project to the Library Builder resource. e.g., /Build/MyDTL


The name of the TIBCO Designer Project. e.g., MyProject


The directory the TIBCO Designer Project is in. e.g., src/bw


A propertyset refid for the file aliases needed by the project




The working directory for building the DTL. e.g., build/working/@{project}




If true, create the /.designtimelibs file in the project root directory, based on the aliases referenced by aliases-refid




The output file for the DTL. e.g., build/MyDTL.projlib


if true, validate the project before building




The output file for the validation results. e.g., build/working/@{project}/validation.log. Ignored if @{validate} is false.




The number of errors expected during validation. Ignored if @{validate} is false. If the number of validation errors doee not equal this value then the macro will fail.

Normally you whould not change this from 0, however there are times when a project produce validation errors (e.g. when using the preceding-sibling XPath axis), but you have confirmed that it does operate correclty. In these sitbuildions, you can still use this macro to validate your project, by specifying the number of expected errors.

NOTE: The macro will fail if there are less errors than expected. This is to prevent sitbuildions where you have a number of expected validation errors, and then someone makes a change which results in one of them being removed. At this point, unless this macro fails, it would be possible for new unexpected validation errors (that have not been confirmed to operate correctly) to be introduced.

(Available since verison 1.4.0)




The maximum number of warnings permitted during validation. If the number of validation warnings exceeds this value then the macro will fail.

(Available since version 1.4.0)




Force the re-creation of the DTL, even if the TIBCO Designer project has not changed.




Specifies the initial Java heap size to allocate




the value to use for tibco.env.PATH




the value to use for tibco.class.path.extended




the value to use for java.property.palettePath




the value to use for tibco.env.LD_LIBRARY_PATH, tibco.env.SHLIB_PATH and tibco.env.LIBPATH




Specifies the remaining command line arguments to pass into the application

  • -d: to activate the debug info dump
  • -help: to print a list of acceptable command line arguments



Builds a WSDL from a specified service agent. This macro runs the specified project locally (using bw-start) and uses the built-in resource provider to retrieve the WSDL for the specified service agent.

NOTE: Either TIBCO Hawk or TIBCO Administrator must have been configured for the local system.

(Available since version 7)


Parameters specified as attributes.


The path within the TIBCO Designer project to the Service Agent resource. e.g., /Build/MyServiceAgent


The name of the TIBCO Designer Project. e.g., MyProject


The name for the BW engine

(Available since version 14)




The directory the TIBCO Designer Project is in. e.g., src/bw


A propertyset refid for the file aliases needed by the project




A propertyset refid for the Global variables to use when running the project. See the configure-ear macro for details of the default Global Variables.




A propertyset refid for the properties to use when executing the BusinessWorks engine. For instance setting bw.engine.jobstats.enable to true will turn on Job Stats for the engine. See the configure-ear macro for details of the available engine properties.




The working directory. e.g., build/working/@{project}




The output file for the WSDL. e.g., build/MyServiceAgent.wsdl


Force the re-creation of the WSDL, even if the TIBCO Designer project has not changed.




The TIBCO Hawk domain use to run the project. e.g., LOCAL




The TIBCO Rendezvous service used by TIBCO Hawk. e.g., 7474




The TIBCO Rendezvous network used by TIBCO Hawk. e.g., ;




The TIBCO Rendezvous daemon used by TIBCO Hawk. e.g., 7474




Specifies the initial Java heap size to allocate




The number of seconds the engine should run for before quitting.

This can be used to have the engine automatically terminate, in situations where bw-stop cannot stop the engine (e.g., Hawk not configured). -1 indicates no timeout

(Available since version 15)




Customizable Classpath information. All classes and jars in these directories will be automatically picked up. You can also specify individual files. Use forward slashes only. e.g., g:/a1/b1;d:/a2/b2/c.jar




Customizable Classpath information. All classes and jars in these directories will be automatically picked up. You can also specify individual files. Use forward slashes only. e.g., g:/a1/b1;d:/a2/b2/c.jar




Other arguments to application, JVM etc.




Deprecated since v7. Use build-wsdl instead.

(Available since version 1.4.0)


Parameters specified as attributes.


The path within the TIBCO Designer project to the Service Agent resource. e.g., /Build/MyServiceAgent


The name of the TIBCO Designer Project. e.g., MyProject


The name for the BW engine

(Available since version 14)




The directory the TIBCO Designer Project is in. e.g., src/bw


A propertyset refid for the file aliases needed by the project




A propertyset refid for the Global variables to use when running the project. See the configure-ear macro for details of the default Global Variables.




A propertyset refid for the properties to use when executing the BusinessWorks engine. For instance setting bw.engine.jobstats.enable to true will turn on Job Stats for the engine. See the configure-ear macro for details of the available engine properties.




The working directory. e.g., build/working/@{project}




The output file for the WSDL. e.g., build/MyServiceAgent.wsdl


Force the re-creation of the WSDL, even if the TIBCO Designer project has not changed.




The TIBCO Hawk domain use to run the project. e.g., LOCAL




The TIBCO Rendezvous service used by TIBCO Hawk. e.g., 7474




The TIBCO Rendezvous network used by TIBCO Hawk. e.g., ;




The TIBCO Rendezvous daemon used by TIBCO Hawk. e.g., 7474




Specifies the initial Java heap size to allocate




The number of seconds the engine should run for before quitting.

This can be used to have the engine automatically terminate, in situations where bw-stop cannot stop the engine (e.g., Hawk not configured). -1 indicates no timeout

(Available since version 15)




Customizable Classpath information. All classes and jars in these directories will be automatically picked up. You can also specify individual files. Use forward slashes only. e.g., g:/a1/b1;d:/a2/b2/c.jar




Customizable Classpath information. All classes and jars in these directories will be automatically picked up. You can also specify individual files. Use forward slashes only. e.g., g:/a1/b1;d:/a2/b2/c.jar




Other arguments to application, JVM etc.




Starts a BusinessWorks engine locally.


Parameters specified as attributes.


The name of the TIBCO Designer Project. e.g., MyProject


The directory the TIBCO Designer Project is in. e.g., src/bw


The name for the BW engine. In order to stop the engine, either TIBCO Hawk or TIBCO Administrator must have been configured for the local system.

(Available since version 14)




A propertyset refid for the file aliases needed by the project




A propertyset refid for the Global variables to use when running the project. See the configure-ear macro for details of the default Global Variables.




A propertyset refid for the properties to use when executing the BusinessWorks engine. For instance setting bw.engine.jobstats.enable to true will turn on Job Stats for the engine. See the configure-ear macro for details of the available engine properties.




The working directory. e.g., build/working/@{project}




If true, create the /.designtimelibs file in the project root directory, based on the aliases referenced by aliases-refid.

(Available since version 1.4.1)




Whether or not you want the engine to be spawned. If you spawn the engine, its output will not be logged by ant.




Specifies the initial Java heap size to allocate




Customizable Classpath information. All classes and jars in these directories will be automatically picked up. You can also specify individual files. Use forward slashes only. e.g., g:/a1/b1;d:/a2/b2/c.jar




Customizable Classpath information. All classes and jars in these directories will be automatically picked up. You can also specify individual files. Use forward slashes only. e.g., g:/a1/b1;d:/a2/b2/c.jar




Other arguments to application, JVM etc.


The number of seconds the engine should run for before quitting.

This can be used to have the engine automatically terminate, in situations where bw-stop cannot stop the engine (e.g., Hawk not configured). -1 indicates no timeout

(Available since version 15)






Stops a BusinessWorks engine running locallay using TIBCO Hawk. Either TIBCO Hawk or TIBCO Administrator must have been configured for the local system.


Parameters specified as attributes.


The name of the BW engine to stop. e.g., MyProject


The TIBCO Hawk domain use to run the project. e.g., LOCAL




The TIBCO Rendezvous service used by TIBCO Hawk. e.g., 7474




The TIBCO Rendezvous network used by TIBCO Hawk. e.g., ;




The TIBCO Rendezvous daemon used by TIBCO Hawk. e.g., 7474




If true, a seperate JVM will be started to run the Hawk command to stop the BW engine.

It has been noticed that on certain platforms multiple executions of this macro within the same JVM will fail on the second and subsequent execution. In these situations, you should keep @{fork} set to false.

(Available since version 14)






Checks whether a resource exists (i.e. file or directory).

(Available since version 10)


Parameters specified as attributes.


The resource, whose presence is checked.


If set to true, will only output a warning message for a missing resource.

If set to false, will fail the build for a missing resource.




Checks whether the tibco home directories exist.

(Available since version 10)


Parameters specified as attributes.


If set to true, will only output a warning message for each missing resource.

If set to false, will fail the build on the first missing resource found.




Create a configuration file based on provide referenced propertysets and a provided xml template, which was extracted from an Enterprise Archive using the extract-config macro. The extracted xml provides a template for creating a configuration file for your Enterprise Archive. TIBant maps values from properties into the structure of the template, to provide a configuration file for the Enterprise Archive. The mappings are documented in the Property Mappings section below.


Parameters specified as attributes.


The template configuration file produced by the extract-config macro


The location to create the configuration file


A propertyset reference id. The properties in the referenced propertyset are used to set the values of the matching global variables, runtime variables and instance runtime variables within the template XML. See the Global Variables, Runtime Variables and Instance Runtime Variables sections below for more details and the list of predefined global variables.




A propertyset reference id. The properties in the referenced propertyset are used to set the values of the matching Adapter SDK properties within the template XML. See the Adapter SDK Properties section below for properties predefined for TIBCO BusinessWorks projects.




A propertyset reference id. The properties in the referenced propertyset are used to set configuration properties within the template XML. See the Property Mappings section below for details on how properties are mapped the various elements within the template XML


If set to true, only include repoinstance transport properties for the selected repoinstance type. If not specified or set to false, all the repoinstance transport properties specified in @{deployment-properties-refid} will be included in the output.

(Available since version 1.3.2)




If set to true, fail if there are global variables in xml, which do not have entries in @{global-variables-refid}, @{unset-global-variables-refid} or @{do-not-set-global-variables-refid}. If not specified or set to false, ignore unset global variables.

(Available since version 1.3.2)




A propertyset reference id. If @{fail-on-unset-global-variables} is set to true, the properties in the referenced propertyset will not cause the build to fail if they are not set in @{global-variables-refid}. The values of the properties in the referenced propertyset are ignored.

(Available since version 1.3.2)




A propertyset reference id. Fail the build if the properties in the referenced propertyset exist within global-variables-refid. This is in sitbuildions where a global variable is used within a project to prevent duplication of the variable's value (e.g., a queue name), however it is never intended that this value should change.

(Available since version 1.3.2)




If not specified or set to true, fail if there are adapter SDK properties in @{adapter-sdk-properties-refid} that are not defined in ${tibant.home.bw}/lib/com/tibco/deployment/bwengine.xml. If set to false, ignore unknown adapter SDK properties.

(Available since v15)




The working directory to use. e.g., build





Property Mappings

The following table details how properties in the propertyset referenced by @{deployment-properties-refid} are mapped to elements in the template configuration file.

Property Name Description Required Default Node Mapped To
repoInstanceName This element corresponds to the Deployment Name field that is displayed in the Edit Application Configuration panel in the TIBCO Administrator GUI. The element's value is the #administration-domain#-#application# name. No /application/repoInstanceName
description Information about the application.Noempty/application/description
contact Name of the person responsible for this application.Noempty/application/contact
repoInstances-selected Indicates the transport selected to be used by the deployment repository instance. Can be set to rv, http, https or local.No/application/repoInstances/@selected
repoInstances-httpRepoInstance-server Name of the administration server under which this application is deployed.No/application/repoInstances/httpRepoInstance/server
repoInstances-httpRepoInstance-user User authorized for this application repository.NoDefaults to the user currently logged into the AppManage utility./application/repoInstances/httpRepoInstance/user
repoInstances-httpRepoInstance-password User's password.No/application/repoInstances/httpRepoInstance/password
repoInstances-httpRepoInstance-timeout Amount of time in seconds allowed for completing a task, such as retrieving information from the server.No600 seconds./application/repoInstances/httpRepoInstance/timeout
repoInstances-httpRepoInstance-url The URL with which the client attempts to connect to the server.No/application/repoInstances/httpRepoInstance/url
repoInstances-rvRepoInstance-server Name of the administration server under which this application is deployed.No/application/repoInstances/rvRepoInstance/server
repoInstances-rvRepoInstance-user User authorized for this application repository.NoThe user currently logged into the AppManage utility./application/repoInstances/rvRepoInstance/user
repoInstances-rvRepoInstance-password User's password.No/application/repoInstances/rvRepoInstance/password
repoInstances-rvRepoInstance-timeout Amount of time in seconds allowed for completing a task, such as retrieving information from the server.No600 seconds./application/repoInstances/rvRepoInstance/timeout
repoInstances-rvRepoInstance-discoveryTimeout Amount of time in seconds allowed for the initial connection to the administration server.No/application/repoInstances/rvRepoInstance/discoveryTimeout
repoInstances-rvRepoInstance-daemon Instructs the transport object about how and where to find the TIBCO Rendezvous daemon and establish communication. See TIBCO Rendezvous Concepts for details about specifying the daemon parameter.No7500/application/repoInstances/rvRepoInstance/daemon
repoInstances-rvRepoInstance-service Used by the system to identify the TIBCO Rendezvous service parameter. See TIBCO Rendezvous Concepts for details about specifying the service parameter.No7500/application/repoInstances/rvRepoInstance/service
repoInstances-rvRepoInstance-network Used by the system to identify the TIBCO Rendezvous network parameter. See TIBCO Rendezvous Concepts for details about specifying the network parameter.No;/application/repoInstances/rvRepoInstance/network
repoInstances-rvRepoInstance-regionalSubject TIBCO Rendezvous subject prefix used for regional read-operation in the load balancing mode. For additional information see the TIBCO Administrator Server Configuration Guide.No/application/repoInstances/rvRepoInstance/regionalSubject
repoInstances-rvRepoInstance-operationRetry Number of times to retry after a timeout occurs.NoUndocumented by TIBCO/application/repoInstances/rvRepoInstance/operationRetry
repoInstances-localRepoInstance-encoding The encoding for a local repository .dat fileNoISO8859-1/application/repoInstances/localRepoInstance/encoding
Archive Property Mappings

The following table details how properties in the propertyset referenced by @{deployment-properties-refid} are mapped to archive elements in the template configuration file.

Note: The 'Node Mapped To' path is relative to /application/services/(bw|adapter)[@name=#arname#] within the template configuration file.

Property Name Description Required Default Node Mapped To
#arname#-enabled true or false. Only enabled services are deployed. Disabling a service, effectively undeploys just that service while letting all other services in the application run as normal. For example, this can be useful when you wish to deploy an application that includes a service for which you don't have the required software. No true enabled
#arname#-failureCount The value in this field defines how many restarts should be attempted before resetting the error counter to 0. See the TIBCO Administrator User's Guide for more information about this element. No failureCount
#arname#-failureInterval The value in this field defines how much time should expire before resetting the error counter to 0.NofailureInterval
#arname#-#proc#-enabled true or false. Only enabled processes are deployed. Disabling a process, effectively undeploys just that process while letting all other processes in the application run as normal. This can be useful, for example when you wish to deploy an application that includes a process for which you don't have the required software.Nobwprocesses/bwprocess[@name=#proc#]/enabled
#arname#-#proc#-maxJob Specifies the maximum number of process instances that can concurrently be loaded into memory.Nobwprocesses/bwprocess[@name=#proc#]/maxJob
#arname#-#proc#-activation true or false. Specifies that once a process instance is loaded, it must remain in memory until it completesNobwprocesses/bwprocess[@name=#proc#]/activation
#arname#-#proc#-flowLimit Specifies the maximum number of currently running process instance to start before suspending the process starter.Nobwprocesses/bwprocess[@name=#proc#]/flowLimit
#arname#-bindings A comma separated list of binding names for the specified archiveYesn/abindings/binding/@name

Additionaly, the following setting are mapped to BW archives

Note: The 'Node Mapped To' path is relative to /application/services/bw[@name=#arname#] within the template configuration file.

Property Name Description Required Default Node Mapped To
#arname#-isFt true or false. If true, indicates that this process is part of a fault tolerant group.NoisFt
#arname#-faultTolerant-hbInterval Heartbeat Interval. The master engine of a fault-tolerant group broadcasts heartbeat messages to inform the other group members that it is still active. The heartbeat interval determines the time (in milliseconds) between heartbeat messages. In the event if one process engine fails, another engine detects the stop in the master's heartbeat and resumes operation in place of the other engine. All process starters are restarted on the secondary, and services are restarted to the state of their last checkpoint. No faultTolerant/hbInterval
#arname#-faultTolerant-activationInterval Activation Interval (ms) - A standard TIBCO Rendezvous fault tolerant parameter, documented in the TIBCO Rendezvous Concepts chapter 15, Developing Fault Tolerant Programs. Secondary process engines track heartbeat messages sent from the master engine. This field specifies the amount of time to expire since the last heartbeat from the master before the secondary restarts the process starters and process engines. The Heartbeat Interval should be smaller than the Preparation Interval, which should be smaller than the Activation interval. It is recommended that Activation Interval be slightly over 2 heartbeats. NofaultTolerant/activationInterval
#arname#-faultTolerant-preparationDelay Preparation Interval (ms) - A standard TIBCO Rendezvous fault tolerant parameter, documented in the TIBCO Rendezvous Concepts chapter 15 Developing Fault Tolerant Programs). When a master engine resumes operation, the secondary engine shuts down and returns to standby mode. For some sitbuildions, it may be necessary to ensure that the secondary engine has completely shut down before the master engine resumes operation. This field is used to specify a delay before the master engine restarts. When the time since the last heartbeat from an active member exceeds this value, the ranking inactive member will receive a 'hint' so that it can prepare for activation.NofaultTolerant/preparationDelay
Binding Property Mappings

The following table details how properties in the propertyset referenced by @{deployment-properties-refid} are mapped to binding elements in the template configuration file.

Note: The 'Node Mapped To' path is relative to /application/services/(bw|adapter)[@name=#arname#]/bindings/binding[@name=#bname#] within the template configuration file.

Property Name Description Required Default Node Mapped To
#arname#-#bname#-machine The machine to bind this application to.Yesn/amachine
#arname#-#bname#-product-version The installed product version to use.Noproduct/version
#arname#-#bname#-product-location The product's directory location.Noproduct/location
#arname#-#bname#-container Lists the Formflow archive name and container.Nocontainer
#arname#-#bname#-description Information about the binding.Nodescription
#arname#-#bname#-contact Name of the person responsible for this application.Nocontact
#arname#-#bname#-setting-startOnBoot Specifies that the service instance should be started whenever its machine restarts.Nosetting/startOnBoot
#arname#-#bname#-setting-enableVerbose Enables verbose tracing.Nosetting/enableVerbose
#arname#-#bname#-setting-maxLogFileSize Specifies the maximum size (in Kilobytes) a log file can reach before the engine switches to the next log file.Nosetting/maxLogFileSize
#arname#-#bname#-setting-maxLogFileCount Undocumented by TIBCONoUndocumented by TIBCOsetting/maxLogFileCount
#arname#-#bname#-setting-threadCount Number of threads assigned.No8setting/threadCount
#arname#-#bname#-setting-NTService-runAsNT true or false. When true, the service is run as a Microsoft Windows Service. You can then manage the engine as you would any other service, and you can specify that it starts automatically when the machine reboots.Nosetting/NTService/runAsNT
#arname#-#bname#-setting-NTService-startupTypeSet to one of the service startup types, Automatic, Manual, or Disabled.Nosetting/NTService/startupType
#arname#-#bname#-setting-NTService-loginAs The login account for the service, if any. The domain name must be specified. If the login account is defined on the local machine, the domain is '.'. For example, user jeff on the local machine would be specified as .\jeff.Nosetting/NTService/loginAs
#arname#-#bname#-setting-NTService-password Password for the login account.Nosetting/NTService/password
#arname#-#bname#-setting-java-prepandClassPathThe items you provide here are prepended to your CLASSPATH environment variable. You can specify a Java code editor, or the jar file from a JNDI provider if you wish to use TIBCO BusinessWorks to receive and process JMS messages.Nosetting/java/prepandClassPath
#arname#-#bname#-setting-java-appendClassPath The items you provide here are appended to your CLASSPATH environment variable. You can specify a Java code editor, or the jar file from a JNDI provider if you wish to use TIBCO BusinessWorks to receive and process JMS messages.Nosetting/java/appendClassPath
#arname#-#bname#-setting-java-initHeapSize Initial size for the JVM used for the process engine.No32 MB.setting/java/initHeapSize
#arname#-#bname#-setting-java-maxHeapSize Maximum size for the JVM used for the process engine.No128 MB.setting/java/maxHeapSize
#arname#-#bname#-setting-java-threadStackSize Size for the thread stack.No128 KB.setting/java/threadStackSize
#arname#-#bname#-ftWeight When a process joins a fault tolerance group, it specifies its weight as a parameter. Weight represents the ability of a member to fulfill its function, relative to other members of the same group. See the TIBCO Rendezvous Concepts book for information about using fault tolerance groups. NoftWeight
#arname#-#bname#-shutdown-checkpoint When true, the process engine waits for all jobs to finish (up to the maximum timeout) before shutting down the engine, rather than removing jobs at their next checkpoint. Noshutdown/checkpoint
#arname#-#bname#-shutdown-timeout The maximum timeout in seconds the process engine will wait for jobs to finish before shutting down the engine. A zero (0) value means 0 seconds, which effectively turns the graceful shutdown into an immediate shutdown.Noshutdown/timeout
Global Variables

The Global Variables default to the values specified from with designer. They are applied to all archives within the Enterpise Archive. You can overide the default by adding properties to the propertyset referenced by global-variables-refid in the following form:

#global variable name#

For instance, to set the HawkEnabled global variable to true, you need add the HawkEnabled property to the propertyset referenced by global-variables-refid. The property can be declared in your Ant build file:

<property name="HawkEnabled" value="true"/>

or in a properties file that is loaded by your Ant build file


The following global variables are predefined by default:

Name Description
DirLedger Used by the system when defining the path name of the TIBCO Rendezvous certified messaging ledger file. The default is the root installation directory.
DirTrace Used by the system to partially create the path name for log file used by the adapter. The default is the root installation directory.
HawkEnabled Used by the system to indicate whether TIBCO Hawk is used to monitor the adapter. True indicates that a Hawk microagent is defined for the adapter. False indicates the microagent is not to be used. Default is False.
JmsProviderUrlA JMS provider URL tells applications where the JMS daemon is located. Setting this value mostly makes sense in early stages of a project, when only one JMS daemon is used.
JmsSslProviderUrlSpecifies where the JMS server, running in the SSL mode, is located. Setting this value mostly makes sense in the early stages of a project, when only one JMS server is used.
RemoteRvDaemonUsed by the system to identify the TIBCO Rendezvous routing daemon. See TIBCO Rendezvous Administration for details about specifying the routing daemon name.
RvDaemon Used by the system to identify the TIBCO Rendezvous daemon parameter. The parameter instructs the transport object about how and where to find the Rendezvous daemon and establish communication. The default value is 7500, which is the default value used by the Rendezvous daemon. See TIBCO Rendezvous Concepts for details about specifying the daemon parameter.
RvNetwork Used by the system to identify the TIBCO Rendezvous network parameter. Every network transport communicates with other transports over a single network interface. On computers with more than one network interface, the network parameter instructs the TIBCO Rendezvous daemon to use a particular network for all outbound messages from this transport. See TIBCO Rendezvous Concepts for details about specifying the network parameter.
RvService Used by the system to identify the TIBCO Rendezvous service parameter. The Rendezvous daemon divides the network into logical partitions. Each transport communicates on a single service; a transport can communicate only with other transports on the same service. See TIBCO Rendezvous Concepts for details about specifying the service parameter. Default is 7500.
RvaHost Used by the system to identify the computer on which the TIBCO Rendezvous agent runs. See TIBCO Rendezvous Administration for details about specifying the rva parameters.
RvaPort Used by the system to identify the TIBCO Rendezvous agent TCP port where the agent listens for client connection requests. See TIBCO Rendezvous Administration for details about specifying the rva parameters. Default is to 7501.
TIBHawkDaemon Used by the system to identify the TIBCO Hawk daemon parameter. See the TIBCO Hawk Installation and Configuration manual for details about this parameter. Default is the value that was set during domain creation (7474 by default).
TIBHawkNetworkUsed by the system to identify the TIBCO Hawk network parameter. See the TIBCO Hawk Installation and Configuration manual for details about this parameter. Default is an empty string.
TIBHawkServiceUsed by the system to identify the TIBCO service parameter. See the TIBCO Hawk Installation and Configuration manual for details about this parameter. Default is 7474.
MessageEncodingThe message encoding set for the application. The default value is ISO8859-1, which only supports English and other western European languages that belong to ISO Latin-1 character set. After the project is deployed in an administration domain, the messaging encoding set at design time is overridden by the domain's encoding property. All the TIBCO components working in the same domain must always use the same encoding for intercommunication. See TIBCO Administrator Server Configuration Guide for more information.
Runtime Variables

Runtime Variables are Global Variables that have the Service option within Designer checked. This allows different values of the variable to be specified for different archives within the Enterprise Archive.

Runtime Variables are set using properties in the following form:

#archive name#-#global variable name#

For instance, to set the HawkEnabled global variable to false for an archive named Process Archive.par, you need add the Process Archive.par-HawkEnabled property to the propertyset referenced by global-variables-refid. The property can be declared in your Ant build file:

<property name="Process Archive.par-HawkEnabled" value="false"/>

or in a properties file that is loaded by your Ant build file

Process\ Archive.par-HawkEnabled=false

Note: When specifying properties in a property file, you must escape space characters in the property name using the \ character.

When TIBant is substituting the Runtime Variables in the template configuration file, it will use the matching Runtime Variable property if found, otherwise it will use the equivalent Global Variable property if found, otherwise it will use the value specified from within designer.

Instance Runtime Variables

Instance Runtime Variables are Global Variables that have the Service option within Designer checked. This allows different values of the variable to be specified for different instances of archives within the Enterprise Archive.

Instance Runtime Variables are set using properties in the following form:

#archive name#-#binding name#-#global variable name#

For instance, to set a HTTPPort global variable to 9696 for a binding named PAR 1 and to 9697 for a binding named PAR 2 in an archive named Process Archive.par, you need add the Process Archive.par-PAR 1-HTTPPort and Process Archive.par-PAR 3-HTTPPort properties to the propertyset referenced by global-variables-refid. The properties can be declared in your Ant build file:

<property name="Process Archive.par-PAR 1-HTTPPort" value="9696"/>
<property name="Process Archive.par-PAR 2-HTTPPort" value="9697"/>

or in a properties file that is loaded by your Ant build file

Process\ Archive.par-PAR\ 1-HTTPPort=9696
Process\ Archive.par-PAR\ 2-HTTPPort=9697

Note: When specifying properties in a property file, you must escape space characters in the property name using the \ character.

When TIBant is substituting the Instance Runtime Variables in the template configuration file, it will use the matching Instnace Runtime Variable property if found, otherwise it will use the equivalent Runtime Variable property if found, otherwise it will use the equivalent Global Variable property if found, otherwise it will use the value specified from within designer.

Adapter SDK Properties

The Adapter SDK Properties are specified by the properties in the propertyset referenced by adapter-sdk-properties-refid. Adapter SDK Properties can be are applied to a specific archive or for all archives.

Adapter SDK Properties for a specific archive are specified in the following form:

#archive name#-#adapter sdk property name#

Adapter SDK Properties for all archives are specified in the following form:

#adapter sdk property name#

For instance, to set the bw.engine.jobstats.enable Adapter SDK Property to true for all archives, you need add the bw.engine.jobstats.enable property to the propertyset referenced by adapter-sdk-properties-refid. The property can be declared in your Ant build file:

<property name="bw.engine.jobstats.enable" value="true"/>

or in a properties file that is loaded by your Ant build file


As another example, to set the bw.engine.jobstats.enable Adapter SDK Property to false for an archive named Process Archive.par, you need add the Process Archive.par-bw.engine.jobstats.enable property to the propertyset referenced by adapter-sdk-properties-refid. The property can be declared in your Ant build file:

<property name="Process Archive.par-bw.engine.jobstats.enable" value="false"/>

or in a properties file that is loaded by your Ant build file

Process\ Archive.par-bw.engine.jobstats.enable=false

Note: When specifying properties in a property file, you must escape space characters in the property name using the \ character.

When TIBant is substituting the Adapter SDK Properties in the template configuration file, it will use the matching properties in the form #archive name#-#adapter sdk property name# if found, otherwise it will use matching properties in the form #adapter sdk property name# if found, otherwise it will use the value in the input xml file.

The Adapter SDK Properties for BusinessWorks engines that can be set using AppManage and TIBCO Administrator are controlled by the file ${tibant.home.bw}/lib/com/tibco/deployment/bwengine.xml. Adapter SDK Properties that are not present in bwengine.xml when the EAR is built will be silently ignored by AppManage and will not appear in TIBCO Administrator. To prevent this from occuring, this macro will generate an error and terminiate if you try to set an Adapter SDK Property that was not in the bwengine.xml when the EAR was built (new in TIBant version 1.4.0), unless fail-on-unknown-adapter-sdk-properties is set to false.

The following Adapter SDK Properties are predefined for TIBCO BusinessWorks engines:

Name Default Description
Trace.Task.*falseControls whether or not trace messages for all activities are output.
EnableMemorySavingModefalseMemory saving mode can reduce the memory used by actively running process instances as well as potentially improve the performance of checkpoints. You can enable memory saving mode for all process instances by setting the EnableMemorySavingMode property to true.
bw.engine.enableJobRecoveryfalseThis property specifies whether checkpoint data for process instances that fail due to unhandled exceptions or manual termination should be saved. Saving the checkpoint data allows the process instance to be recovered at a later time. By default, this property is set to false indicating that checkpoint data for failed process instances is not saved. Setting this property to true saves checkpoint data for failed process instances and these process instances can be recovered at a later time using the Job Recovery dialog in TIBCO Administrator.
bw.engine.autoCheckpointRestarttrueThis property controls whether checkpointed process instances are automatically restarted when a process engine restarts. By default, this property is set to true, indicating that checkpointed process instances should automatically be restarted. You can set this property to false, and any checkpointed process instances can later be recovered using the Job Recovery dialog in TIBCO Administrator. This allows you to handle any resource availability problems such as database recovery or bringing up a web server before handling the process instance recovery.
bw.engine.jobstats.enablefalseThis property controls process instance statistic collection. The default value of this property is false indicating that statistics for each process instance should not be stored. Setting this property to true enables the gathering of statistics for each process instance.
log.file.encodingthe default encoding of the Java Virtual MachineThe value of this property specifies the character encoding to use when writing to the log file. Any valid Java character encoding name can be used. For a list of potential character encoding names, see the Encoding field on the Configuration tab of the Parse Data activity.
bw.engine.emaEnabledfalseSetting this property to true enables communication with TIBCO EMA. A resource dependency list for all process definitions executing in this engine is created and processes are suspended when TIBCO EMA communicates the unavailability of any dependent resources.
bw.platform.services.retreiveresources.EnabledfalseThis property specifies whether the Built-in Resource Provider feature is enabled or not. Setting it to true enables the feature.
bw.platform.services.retreiveresources.HostnamelocalhostThis property specifies the hostname to which the request will be sent. It is useful to identify the exact host in a multi-host configuration to whom the request will be sent.
bw.platform.services.retreiveresources.Httpport8010This property specifies the port number that is configured to listen for incoming HTTP requests.
bw.platform.services.retreiveresources.defaultEncodingISO8859_1This property specifies the encoding to use for the URL if no charset is specified in the Content Type header of the message.
bw.platform.services.retreiveresources.enableLookupsfalseThis property, when set to true, enables the HTTP client to look up a Domain Name System and resolve the IP address to a DNS Name. Setting this property to true adversely affects the throughput. Hence this property can be enabled only when required.
bw.platform.services.retreiveresources.isSecurefalseThis property specifies if the incoming requests must use the HTTPS (secure socket layer) protocol. The HTTPS protocol authenticates the server to the client.
bw.platform.services.retreiveresources.identity/Identity_HTTPConnection.idThis property specifies the Identity resource that contains the HTTP Server's digital certificate and private key. This property is available when the bw.platform.services.retreiveresources.isSecure property is set to true.
bw.log4j.configurationemptySpecify the location of the log4j configuration file. If the log4j configuration file is in the XML configuration format, then specify the file name with the .xml file extension.

The following Adapter SDK Properties are available for TIBCO BusinessWorks engines, once they have been added to bwengine.xml:

Name Default Description
bw.engine.dupKey.enabledtrueThis property controls whether duplicate detection is performed. true indicates the process engine will check for identical duplicateKey values. false indicates duplicateKeys when specified are ignored.
bw.engine.dupKey.timeout.minutes30This property specifies how long (in minutes) to keep stored duplicateKeys. 0 indicates the duplicateKey is removed when the job is removed. However, if bw.engine.enableJobRecovery=true, the job is not automatically removed after a failure so the duplicateKey will remain as long as the job remains. Such a job can be restarted or purged later. -1 indicates to store duplicateKey values indefinitely. Any positive integer greater than 0 indicates the number of minutes to keep stored duplicateKeys.
bw.engine.dupKey.pollPeriod.minutesUndocumented by TIBCOSpecifies the number of minutes to wait before polling for expired duplicateKey values.
bw.engine.stats.dir<engineWorkingDir>/stats This property specifies the location of the process instance and activity statistic files when statistics storing is enabled.
bw.engine.jobstats.rolloverInconsitantly documented by TIBCO. Either 1024B or 1MBThis property specifies the maximum size (in bytes) for process instance statistic files. Once a file reaches the specified size, a statistics are written to a new file.
EnableMemorySavingMode.<processName>falseMemory saving mode can reduce the memory used by actively running process instances as well as potentially improve the performance of checkpoints. You can enable memory saving mode for a specific process instances by setting the EnableMemorySavingMode.<processName> property to true.
Engine.dir${tibco.home} / tra / domain / <domainName> / application / <appName>When the process engine is configured to use local file for storage, this property controls the location of the process engine storage. Normally, you should not need to change the default location of engine storage.
Engine.ShutdownOnStartupErrorfalseBy default, checkpointed process instances are restarted when the engine restarts, and if the engine encounters errors during startup, the restarted process instances continue to be processed and may eventually be lost depending upon the type of error at startup. You can specify that the process engine should shutdown if any errors are encountered during startup so that checkpointed jobs are not lost in the event of an error. Setting this property to true shuts the engine down if errors are encountered when the engine starts.
Engine.StandAlonetrueUnder some sitbuildions, a unique constraint violation is thrown when using a database as the data manager for process engines. Set this property to false if you encounter this sitbuildion.
Engine.StepCount20This property controls the max number of execution steps (unless inside a transaction) for a job before an engine thread switch occurs. Frequent thread switching can cause engine performance degradation, but when a process instance keeps the tread too long, this may cause less concurrency for executing process instances (and therefore inefficient use of CPU). Therefore, it is difficult to determine the correct value for this property. The default value is sufficient for most sitbuildions, but if your process definitions contain a large number of activities and especially if they contain a large number of activities in iteration loops, you may benefit from setting this property to a higher value.
Engine.ThreadCount8This property controls the number of threads available for executing process instances concurrently. On a multi-CPU machine, this property can be increased. However, too many threads can cause resource contention. Hence you need to experiment with it to decide on a higher Engine.ThreadCount value.
Hawk.EnabledUndocumented by TIBCOControls whether or not TIBCO Hawk can be used to monitor and manage the process engine. Also, allows the Engine Command activity to be used. true enables both TIBCO Hawk and Engine Command activity usage. local enables only Engine Command activity. TIBCO Hawk cannot be used when this value is used. false disables both TIBCO Hawk and Engine Command activity usage.
Hawk.Service7474Specifies the service parameter for the TIBCO Rendezvous transport of your TIBCO Hawk configuration.
Hawk.NetworkemptySpecifies the network parameter for the TIBCO Rendezvous transport of your TIBCO Hawk configuration.
Hawk.Daemontcp:host:7474Specifies the daemon parameter for the TIBCO Rendezvous transport of your TIBCO Hawk configuration.
Instrumentation.<processName>falseSome of the TIBCO Hawk instrumentation methods require runtime actions that impose performance and memory overhead. These actions can be enabled or disabled on a per-process definition basis at any time by setting this property. The actions that can be enabled or disabled are: * collection of activity statistics for the GetActivity microagent method * calls to OnProcessActivity and OnProcessStatusChanged microagent methods. Setting the engine property Instrumentation.* to true enables those actions for all process definitions. Setting the property Instrumentation.<processName> to true enables those actions for a specified process definition. Setting this property to false disables the actions. The instrumentation properties can be set at runtime by calling the TIBCO Hawk setInstrumentProperties method. The property value specified in a call to setInstrumentProperties takes effect immediately.
Trace.Role.<userRoleName>.TermUndocumented by TIBCOcontrols whether or not messages for the specified user-defined role are sent to the console; use Trace.Role.*.Term to control console output for all user-defined roles.
Trace.<systemRoleName>.TermUndocumented by TIBCOcontrols whether or not messages for the specified system role (Error, Warn, Info, or Debug) are sent to the console.
Trace.Role.<userRoleName>.LogUndocumented by TIBCOcontrols whether or not messages for the specified user-defined role are sent to the log file; use Trace.Role.*.Log to control log output for all user-defined roles.
Trace.<systemRoleName>.LogUndocumented by TIBCOcontrols whether or not messages for the specified system role (Error, Warn, Info, or Debug) are sent to the log file.
Trace.Role.<systemRoleName>.PublishAssumed to be falsecontrols whether or not messages for the specified system role (Error, Warn, Info, or Debug) are published as a TIBCO Rendezvous message. By default, the messages are sent on TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks default transport.
Trace.<systemRoleName>.Publish.SubjectUndocumented by TIBCOThe TIBCO Rendezvous subject used for publishing Trace messages.
Trace.<systemRoleName>.Publish.ServiceAssumed to be 7500The TIBCO Rendezvous service used for publishing Trace messages.
Trace.<systemRoleName>.Publish.NetworkAssumed to be ""The TIBCO Rendezvous network used for publishing Trace messages.
Trace.<systemRoleName>.Publish.DaemonAssumed to be tcp:host:7500The TIBCO Rendezvous daemon used for publishing Trace messages.
Trace.Role.<userRoleName>.Log.DirUndocumented by TIBCOLocation for the set of rolling log files for the specified user role
Trace.Role.<userRoleName>.Log.FileUndocumented by TIBCOFilename for the log files for the specified user role. A number is appended to each new log file created up to the specified maximum number of log files.
Trace.Role.<userRoleName>.Log.MaxSizeUndocumented by TIBCOMaximum size of a log file for the specified user role, before entries are directed to the next log file in the sequence.
Trace.Role.<userRoleName>.Log.MaximumUndocumented by TIBCOMaximum number of log files to create for the specified user role. Entries are directed back to the first log file when the maximum number of log files have been created.
Trace.Role.<userRoleName>Undocumented by TIBCOEnables or disables the specified user-defined role; specify Trace.Role.* to enable or disable all user-defined roles.
Trace.<systemRoleName>.*Assumed to be trueEnables or disables the specified system role (Error, Warn, Info or Debug).
Trace.Task.<processDefinition>.<activityName>Assumed to be falseControls whether or not trace messages for a given activity in a process definition are output. Specifying a wildcard for the process definition name indicates you would like to control trace messages for all activities with a given name. Specifying a wildcard for the activity name indicates you would like to control trace messages for all activities in the specified process definition.
Trace.JC.<processStarterName>Assumed to be falseControls whether or not trace messages for a given process starter are output. Specify Trace.JC.* to control trace messages for all process starters.
bw.engine.showInputAssumed to be falseWhen set to true, resources that have input will include the input XML in the trace messages for that resource.
bw.engine.showOutputAssumed to be falseWhen set to true, resources that have output will include the output XML in the trace messages for that resource.
Trace.RV.Advisory.ErrorUndocumented by TIBCOcontrols whether TIBCO Rendezvous Error advisory messages are sent to the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks log file.
Trace.RV.Advisory.WarnUndocumented by TIBCOcontrols whether TIBCO Rendezvous Warn advisory messages are sent to the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks log file.
Trace.RV.Advisory.InfoUndocumented by TIBCOcontrols whether TIBCO Rendezvous Info advisory messages are sent to the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks log file.
com.tibco.xml.xpath.create-dateTime.has.timezoneUndocumented by TIBCOThis property determines whether a time zone is added by the XPath function create-dateTime. TIBCO strongly advises against modifying this property unless you are told to do so by TIBCO Support.
com.tibco.xml.xpath.variable-declaration-requiredfalseThis property controls whether variable references are checked.
com.tibco.xml.schema.preserve-boolean-lexical-valuefalseThis property specifies whether the lexical value of xs:boolean is preserved. TIBCO strongly advises against modifying this property unless you are told to do so by TIBCO Support.
bw.plugin.security.strongcipher.minstrengthDISABLED_CIPHERS_BELOW_128_BITSpecifies the cipher suites you wish to exclude when the Strong Cipher Suites Only checkbox is checked in an SSL configuration. This property allows you to choose the types of cipher suites you wish to disable. Equivalent key strength is taken into account, for example ciphers like 3DES using 168 bits would be equivalent to an equivalent key length of 112 bits. This property is also only applicable for resources that have the Strong Cipher Suites only field checked. The following are the valid values for this property:
  • DISABLED_CIPHERS_EXPORTABLE - Cipher suites that are suitable for export out of the United States are disabled. This list of exportable cipher suites is controlled by the US government. This usually refers to asymmetric algorithms (such as RSA) with a key of modulus lower than 512 bits or symmetric algorithms (such as DES) of key length 40 or lower. Typically exportable cipher suites contain EXPORT in the suite name, but this is not always the case.
  • DISABLED_CIPHERS_BELOW_128_BIT - Cipher suites whose key length (or equivalent) is below 128 bits are disabled.
  • DISABLED_CIPHERS_128BIT_AND_BELOW - Cipher suites whose key length (or equivalent) is 128 bits or less are disabled.
  • DISABLED_CIPHERS_BELOW_256BIT - Cipher suites whose key length (or equivalent) is below 256 bits are disabled. By default, the jurisdiction policy files shipped with TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks are not unlimited strength. When you disable lower strength cipher suites, you may receive an error suggesting that you should upgrade your policy files. To download and install unlimited strength policy files, perform these steps:
  • Download the required files from the following web site: For all platforms except IBM: http://java.sun.com/javase/downloads/index.jsp For IBM platforms: https://www14.software.ibm.com/webapp/iwm/web/reg/pick.do?source=jcesdk&lang=en_US
  • Unzip jce_policy-1_5_0.zip.
  • Copy US_export_policy.jar and local_policy.jar to: TIBCO_home\jre\1.5.0\lib\security.
Engine.WaitNotify.SweepInterval60Notify timeouts cause the notify information to be marked for removal, but the information is removed at regular intervals. If you wish to alter the interval, you can do so by setting this property to the desired number of seconds. However, as you decrease the number of seconds in the interval you will incur greater engine overhead.
log.file.encodingthe default encoding of the Java Virtual Machine used by the process engineThe value of this property specifies the character encoding to use when writing to the log file. Any valid Java character encoding name can be used. For a list of potential character encoding names, see the Encoding field on the Configuration tab of the Parse Data activity.
WaitNotify.ServiceUndocumented by TIBCOWhen Wait and Notify activities are used across multiple engines, TIBCO Rendezvous is used for communication between the engines. This property specifies the service parameter for the TIBCO Rendezvous transport.
WaitNotify.NetworkUndocumented by TIBCOWhen Wait and Notify activities are used across multiple engines, TIBCO Rendezvous is used for communication between the engines. This property specifies the network parameter for the TIBCO Rendezvous transport.
WaitNotify.DaemonUndocumented by TIBCOWhen Wait and Notify activities are used across multiple engines, TIBCO Rendezvous is used for communication between the engines. This property specifies the daemon parameter for the TIBCO Rendezvous transport.
bw.plugin.http.protocol.single-cookie-headerUndocumented by TIBCOThis property allows you to send multiple cookies in a single, non-repeating Cookie header element for outgoing HTTP requests in the Send HTTP Request activity.
bw.plugin.http.server.allowIPAddressesUndocumented by TIBCOThis property allows you to specify a comma-separated list of regular expression patterns that is compared with the remote client's IP address before accepting or rejecting requests from the client. The remote IP address of the client must match for the request to be accepted.
bw.plugin.http.server.restrictIPAddressesUndocumented by TIBCOThis property allows you to specify a comma-separated list of regular expression patterns that is compared with the remote client's IP address before accepting or rejecting requests from the client. The remote address of the client must not match for any request from this client to be accepted.
bw.plugin.http.server.acceptCount100This property specifies the maximum queue size for incoming requests. Incoming requests that are not handled by available threads (see bw.plugin.http.server.minProcessors and bw.plugin.http.server.maxProcessors) are placed on the queue until they can be processed. If the queue is full, new incoming requests are refused with an error. This property is available only when the server type 'Tomcat' is selected.
bw.plugin.http.server.serverTypeTomcatThis property specifies the server type that is to be used for the HTTP Connection resource. Two server types are available: Tomcat and HTTP Component.
bw.plugin.http.server.httpcomponents.workerThread50This property specifies the maximum number of web server threads available to handle HTTP requests for the HTTPComponents server type.
bw.plugin.http.server.minProcessors10This property specifies the minimum number of threads available for incoming HTTP requests. The HTTP server creates the number of threads specified by this parameter when it starts up.
bw.plugin.http.server.maxProcessors75This property specifies the maximum number of threads available for incoming HTTP requests. The HTTP server will not create more than the number of threads specified by this parameter. If the Flow Limit deployment property is set, the value of this property is set to <valueOfFlowLimit> - 1.
bw.plugin.http.server.maxSpareProcessors50This property specifies the maximum number of unused request processing threads that can exist until the thread pool starts stopping the unnecessary threads.
bw.plugin.http.client.ParseEntireMultipartMessageUndocumented by TIBCOThis property enables the HTTP client to parse the entire multi-part message. Note: For BusinessWorks 5.2, an HTTP response message that is received by the HTTP client, is parsed on the content-type header. When the message is a multi-part message, the attachments are put in the attachment list. In BusinessWorks 5.2, the message body that is exposed to the user should contain the entire message body, including the attachments. However, parsing a multi-part message is not a problem in BusinessWorks 5.3 and later versions as MIME attachments are handled differently.
bw.plugin.http.client.ResponseThreadPool10By default, each Request/Response activity that uses the HTTP protocol (for example, Send HTTP Request or SOAP Request Reply) is associated with a unique thread pool. Each request is executed in a separate thread, belonging to the thread pool associated with the activity. Setting this property to a value specifies the size of the thread pool to use for request/response activities. This thread pool can be for each activity, or all activities can share the same thread pool. See bw.plugin.http.client.ResponseThreadPool.type for more information about determining the type of thread pool to use. The thread pool is created when the engine starts, therefore be careful to set the value of this property to a reasonable number for your system. If you set the value too high, it may result in extra resources allocated that are never used.
bw.plugin.http.client.ResponseThreadPool.typedefaultThis property determines the type of thread pool to use for request/response activities. Either one thread pool per activity is created, or one common thread pool is created to be shared across all activities. Specify default as the value of this property if you wish to create a thread pool for each activity. Specify single as the value of this property if you wish to create a single, common thread pool for all activities. The size of the thread pool is determined by the value of the property bw.plugin.http.client.ResponseThreadPool. When the thread pool type is default, a thread pool of the specified size is created for each request/response activity. When the thread pool type is single, one thread pool of the specified size is created and all activities share the same thread pool.
bw.plugin.http.client.usePersistentConnectionManagerfalseThis property specifies that a pool of HTTP connections to each HTTP server should be created so that connections can be reused by Send HTTP Request activities. Not all HTTP servers support persistent connections. Refer to your HTTP server documentation for more information about support for persistent connections. When this property is set to true, a pool of connections is created for each HTTP server that Send HTTP Request activities connect to. The total number of connections in the pool is limited by the bw.plugin.http.client.maxTotalConnections property. The number of connections for each host is limited by the bw.plugin.http.client.maxConnectionsPerHost property.
bw.plugin.http.client.maxConnectionsPerHost20The value of this property is ignored unless the bw.plugin.http.client.usePersistentConnectionManager property is set to true. This property specifies the maximum number of persistent connections to each remote HTTP server.
bw.plugin.http.client.maxTotalConnections200The value of this property is ignored unless the bw.plugin.http.client.usePersistentConnectionManager property is set to true. This property specifies the maximum number of persistent connections to create for all HTTP servers.
bw.plugin.http.client.checkForStaleConnectionsfalseThe value of this property is ignored unless the bw.plugin.http.client.usePersistentConnectionManager property is set to true. When using persistent connections, a connection can become stale. When this property is set to true, a persistent connection is checked to determine if it is stale before it is used by a Send HTTP Request activity. Checking for stale connections adds significant processing overhead, but it does improve reliability.
bw.plugin.http.handleAllMimePartsAsAttachmentfalseIn previous releases, when the content-type of an incoming message was "multipart/*", the first part of the message was presented as the POSTDATA. This is incorrect according to MIME specification. This property fixes this problem. If this property is set to true and the top-level content-type of the incoming HTTP message is "multipart/*", then an HTTP Receiver will present all the MIME parts as attachments and the POSTDATA field will be empty. If this property is set to false, backward compatibility is maintained and the first MIME part is presented as the POSTDATA. NOTE: Do not check the Parse Post Method Data field on the HTTP Receiver process starter when this property is set to true as this causes an error to be thrown.
bw.plugin.http.server.debugAssumed to be fasleWhen set to true, specifies that the contents of incoming HTTP requests are written to the log file. Writing each request to a log file does incur some overhead and additional processing time.
bw.plugin.http.server.defaultHostAssumed to be localhostSpecifies the name of the default host to use when the machine has multiple domains or IP addresses. The value of this parameter can be either a host name or IP address. When the hostname is localhost, TIBCO BusinessWorks considers the machine as a non-multi-home environment. Hence it is not required to set this property. However, when the hostname is anything other than localhost, then TIBCO BusinessWorks considers the machine as a multi-home environment. Set this property to the same value as has been set in the host field of HTTP Shared Connection for default host.
bw.plugin.https.server.deferClientAuthenticationAssumed to be falseDefers client authentication and outputs the client's security context when the client connects to the server using HTTPS.
Engine.Database.TestStatement.<name> Undocumented by TIBCOWhen a SQL error occurs during statement execution, TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks executes a test SQL statement to determine if the error is caused by a bad connection. If the error is due to a bad connection, the statement can be re-executed using a different connection in the connection pool. This property allows you to specify a test SQL statement. Specify the database name in the <name> portion of the property and set the value of the property to a valid SQL statement.
Engine.DBConnection.idleTimeout 5Normally, connections in the database connection pool close after a period of time when they are idle. This property specifies the time (in minutes) to allow database connections to remain idle before closing them.
Config.JDBC.Connection.SetLoginTimeoutUndocumented by TIBCOTime (in seconds) to wait for a successful database connection. Only JDBC drivers that support connection timeouts can use this property. If the JDBC driver does not support connection timeouts, the value of this field is ignored. Most JDBC drivers should support connection timeouts. The value of this property overrides any value set for connection timeouts in the Configuration tab of the JDBC Connection resource.
bw.plugin.jms.receiverTimeoutUndocumented by TIBCOThis property specifies the polling interval for JMS activities that receive messages (for example, JMS Topic Subscriber or Wait for JMS Queue Message). Specify an integer as the value of the property to determine the number of seconds to set the default polling interval for all JMS activities that receive messages. Individual activities can override this default polling interval by specifying a value in the Receiver Timeout field on the Advanced tab of the activity.
bw.plugin.jms.recoverOnStartupErrorAssumed to be falseWhen a process engine attempts to startup and the JMS server that JMS activities connect to is not up, the JMS process starters cannot connect to the JMS server. Setting this property to true allows the process engine to start and the JMS process starters will wait until the JMS sever is up before starting.
bw.plugin.mail.receiverFlattenNesteedAttachmentsfalseIn previous releases, the Receive Mail activity threw exceptions when receiving email, if the email was in rich text format and the any mime part contained nested mime sub-parts. You can fix this by setting this property to true which creates a flat output structure where all sub-parts are siblings. If you rely on the behavior of previous releases, keep this property set to false.
bw.plugin.mail.receiverRetryCountNot clear from TIBCO documentationWhen a mail sender is in the process of sending a message, the mail server may expose the message to the Receive Mail process starter, but indicate later that the message is unavailable. This typically occurs when sending large messages. The Receive Mail process starter attempts to receive the message during subsequent polls of the mail server. By default, the process starter will attempt to receive the message for three minutes. The number of retries within that three-minute limit depends upon the value of the polling interval. For example, if the polling interval is set to 30 seconds, there will be up to six retries. If the polling interval is set to 4 minutes, there will be only one retry. This property allows you to specify the number of times the Receive Mail process starter will attempt to receive the same message. The amount of time allotted for retries will be the value of this property multiplied by the polling interval. For example, if the polling interval is every 10 seconds, and the retry count is set to 12, then the Receive Mail process starter will attempt to receive the message for two minutes.
Config.Tibrv.cmQueueTransport.TaskBacklogLimitInBytes0 (no limit)When the RVCMQ transport is used, TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks applies the value of this property to the RVCMQ transport using the RVCMQ API setTaskBacklogLimitInBytes() method to set the scheduler task queue limits in bytes for the distributed queue transport. The value of this property must be set to a positive integer.
bw.plugin.transaction.xa.arjuna.objectStoreDirValue from Arjuna property fileBy default, when executing the Arjuna Transaction Service within the same JVM as TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks, the Arjuna property file is used to determine the location of the object store directory. If you wish to override the value in the Arjuna property file, set this property to a valid directory name.
bw.plugin.transaction.xa.isolationJDBC Driver DependantBy default in an XA transaction, the transaction isolation level is set to the default value for the JDBC driver you are using. If you wish to ensure a particular transaction isolation level, set this property to one of the following values:
  • 1 = java.sql.Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED
  • 2 = java.sql.Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED
  • 3 = java.sql.Connection.TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ
  • 4 = java.sql.Connection.TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE
bw.plugin.transaction.xa.lock.connectionfalseBy default, JDBC activities in an XA Transaction groups obtain database connections from a connection pool and release the connections when the activity completes. This can cause a database connection to be used concurrently in multiple transactions. Some databases or JDBC drivers support this behavior and others do not. If you are using a database or JDBC driver that requires database connections to be used in only one transaction at a time (for example, IBM DB2), set this property to true. When the value of this property is set to true, once a connection is associated with a transaction, the connection remains associated with the transaction until the transaction completes.
bw.plugin.tcp.server.acceptCount50This property specifies the maximum number of incoming requests that can be handled by the TCP Server.
bw.plugin.ftp.stripLineFeedInPutfalsePrior to release 5.2.0, the FTP Put activity stripped the \n when \r\n was used for a new line in a file. This caused files to be unusable when a file was taken from a MS Windows machine and put onto a VMS machine. The FTP Put activity no longer strips the \n, and if you rely on this behavior in existing projects, you can set this property to true to obtain the behavior of previous releases.
bw.plugin.http.client.urlEncodeQueryStringfalseAs of release 5.2.0, the QueryString input element of the Send HTTP Request activity is not automatically URL encoded. Prior to release 5.2, the activity used URL encoding for the Query specified in the QueryString element. It is now the user's responsibility to properly URL-encode the query specified in the QueryString. Therefore, the activity does attempt to encode the value supplied in this element. This change may cause backward compatibility issues if you rely on the activity to perform the URL-encoding of the QueryString. Setting this property to true reverts to the behavior of previous releases.
bw.plugin.javaCode.explicitNullfalseTo indicate a null reference, the Java Code activity omits the value in its output. This causes a String value used as a null place holder when another activity attempts to read the null in its input. However, other activities did not behave in this way. Other activities pass an explicit null for null references. To preserve backward compatibility, the Java Code activity still behaves the same. However, you can set this property to true to cause the Java Code activity to behave in the same way as other activities. When this property is set to true, an explicit null is set for a null reference. Keeping this value set to false maintains the behavior of the previous releases.
bw.plugin.parseData.enforceLineLengthtrueIn previous releases, the line length specified in the Data Format resource was not enforced. This allowed files with one large line to be parsed in some sitbuildions. In more recent releases, the line length is enforced so that files containing one large line are no longer allowed. If you rely on the behavior of the previous releases, set this property to false.
bw.plugin.timer.useJavaMonthAssumed to be falseIn previous releases, the Timer process starter used the Java convention (0-11) for month numbers in its output, however, the expected convention for month numbers is 1-12. In release 5.2.0, the month is returned as a number between 1 and 12. If you rely on the behavior of previous releases, you can set this property to true to maintain compatibility with previous releases.
com.tibco.plugin.soap.no_xsi_typeAssumed to be falseSOAP activities were enhanced in release 2.0.5 to emit xsi:type attributes. If you wish to maintain backward compatibility and not emit these attributes, you must set this property to true.
com.tibco.xml.xpath.create-dateTime.has.timezonefalseIn Release 2.x, the XPath function create-dateTime() returned a value that included a time zone. In Release 5.1.2 and 5.1.3, the function was changed to omit the time zone. This property controls whether the time zone is included in the output of the create-dateTime() function. Setting this property to false omits the time zone from the function output (the same behavior as 5.1.x). Setting this property to true causes the time zone to be included in the function output (the same behavior as 2.x).
Config.JDBC.CallProcedure.InputOptionalAssumed to be falseIn releases prior to 5.2.0, the JDBC Call Procedure activity created input elements that were optional for stored procedure parameters. Optional parameters have never been supported by this activity. When migrating a project from a previous release, there will be validation errors for any unspecified input elements for stored procedure parameters. These migrated projects cannot be executed until the errors are resolved (by using the Mapper Check and Repair button on the Input tab). If you wish to migrate a project without fixing this problem, you can do so by setting this property to true.
Config.JDBC.CallProcedure.OutputUseNilAssumed to be truePrior to release 5.1.2, if a value returned from a database table was null, the output element corresponding to that table value was not placed into the output schema for a JDBC Call Procedure activity, if the output element was optional. The element is now placed into the output schema and has "xsi:nil = true" to indicate the element is null. You should surround elements that can be nil with an if statement to determine whether to output the element. To maintain the behavior of previous releases, this property controls whether elements that are nil are contained in the output. Set the property to false to achieve the behavior of previous releases.
ignore.delimiters.under.quotesAssumed to be falsePrior to Release 2.0.4, when using the activities in the Parse palette, delimiter-separated data was not treated in a standard way. There was no mechanism to escape the specified delimiter character. For example, if you chose a comma as the delimiter, there was no way to have a field contain a comma as in "Fresno, CA". Also, there was no way to have a field span multiple lines or include leading and trailing spaces. Now fields can be surrounded in double quotes. To disable this functionality, set the value of this property to true.
java.property.DiscardUTF8BOMNot clear from TIBCO documentationWhen a file is saved on a Windows platform using UTF-8 encoding, Windows adds a Byte Order Mark (BOM) to the beginning of the file. This BOM is not necessary for UTF-8, but it is valid. Prior to release 2.0.6, the File Reader activity's output includes the BOM at the beginning of the data read from the file. The BOM is now stripped when it is encountered. If you wish to retain the functionality of previous releases, you can set this property to false. In most cases, you will not need to set this property. You may need to set this property to true if your process definition is expecting a file that contains the BOM.
java.property.com.tibco.schema.ae.makeNillabletrueCertain TIBCO ActiveEnterprise-based schema elements do not display as nillable in the Input mapping tab. This can result in mappings (optional to optional) that do not copy the xsi:nil attributes at runtime to the output elements, and subsequently validation errors. Setting this property to true causes mappings that meet the criteria to show warnings. Selecting the input mapping with an error and clicking the Mapper Check and repair button will display yellow warnings: "The input and this element are both nillable, set to copy-nil". Clicking OK changes the mappings to add the copy-of for the nil attribute ("Optional and nillable to optional and nillable"). This is generally a better way to map this structure and ensures if the element in the source data has the xsi:nil attribute, it will be copied to the target element. In Release 5.2.1 and subsequent releases, the default setting for this property is true, which may cause new warnings to appear in existing projects. Typically, the Mapper Check and repair button can be used to update the mappings to copy xsi:nil attributes. If it is preferable to have empty elements emitted in this case, then the property can be set to false. Any new mapping done by drag-and-drop with the property set to true will have the "Optional and nillable" style mapping, instead of the "optional to optional" style.


Opens a project in TIBCO Designer


Parameters specified as attributes.


The name of the TIBCO Designer Project. e.g., MyProject


The directory the TIBCO Designer Project is in. e.g., src/bw


A propertyset refid for the file aliases needed by the project




A propertyset refid for the Global variables to use when running the project in the Designer Tester.

See the configure-ear macro for details of the default Global Variables.




A propertyset refid for the properties to use when running the project in the Designer Tester.

For instance setting bw.engine.jobstats.enable to true will turn on Job Stats for the engine. See the configure-ear macro for details of the available engine properties.

(Available since version 11)




The working directory to launch TIBCO Designer from. e.g., build/working/@{project}




If true, create the /.designtimelibs file in the project root directory, based on the aliases referenced by aliases-refid




Specifies the initial Java heap size to allocate




the value to use for tibco.env.PATH




the value to use for tibco.class.path.extended




the value to use for java.property.palettePath




the value to use for tibco.env.LD_LIBRARY_PATH, tibco.env.SHLIB_PATH, tibco.env.LIBPATH




Specifies the remaining command line arguments to pass into the application:

  • -d: to activate the debug info dump
  • -help: to print a list of acceptable command line arguments



Generates a properties file suitable for use with TIBant from an XML configuration file that's been exported from an Administration Domain.

This macro is primarily of use to new users of TIBant, who currently manage their BW engine environment configurations directly in the XML files that are used during deployment. This macro provides an easy way to move your current settings into properties files, allowing you to simplify your environment configuration.

(Available since verison 1.4.2)


Parameters specified as attributes.


The Configuration file to extract the properties from


The output file for the extracted properties


the classpath to the saxon jar




Creates a template configuration file for an Enterprise Archive.


Parameters specified as attributes.


The Enterprise Archive to create a template configuration file for. e.g., build/MyProject.ear


The output file for the template configuration file. e.g., build/MyProject.xml


Force the re-creation of the template configuration file, even if the Enterpise archive has not changed.






Generates a properties file suitable for use with TIBant from an XML configuration file that's been exported from an Administration Domain.

This macro is primarily of use to new users of TIBant, who currently manage their BW engine environment configurations directly in the XML files that are used during deployment. This macro provides an easy way to move your current settings into properties files, allowing you to simplify your environment configuration.

(Available since verison 1.4.2)


Parameters specified as attributes.


The Configuration file to extract the properties from


The output file for the extracted properties


the classpath to the saxon jar




Generates a properties file suitable for use with TIBant from an XML configuration file that's been exported from an Administration Domain.

This macro is primarily of use to new users of TIBant, who currently manage their BW engine environment configurations directly in the XML files that are used during deployment. This macro provides an easy way to move your current settings into properties files, allowing you to simplify your environment configuration.

(Available since verison 1.4.2)


Parameters specified as attributes.


The Configuration file to extract the properties from


The output file for the extracted properties


the classpath to the saxon jar




Generates a properties file suitable for use with TIBant from an XML configuration file that's been exported from an Administration Domain.

This macro is primarily of use to new users of TIBant, who currently manage their BW engine environment configurations directly in the XML files that are used during deployment. This macro provides an easy way to move your current settings into properties files, allowing you to simplify your environment configuration.

(Available since verison 1.4.2)


Parameters specified as attributes.


The Configuration file to extract the properties from


The output file for the extracted properties


the classpath to the saxon jar




Loads the ant-contrib library. The ant-contrib library must be loaded (either via this macro or by your own taskdef statement) before calling any of the other TIBant macros.


Parameters specified as attributes.




(Deprecated.) The path to the ant-contrib.jar is now calcualted automatically based on the tibant.lib.dir property.


(Deprecated.) The path to the commons-httpclient.jar is now calcualted automatically based on the tibant.lib.dir property.


(Deprecated.) The path to the commons-loggin.jar is now calcualted automatically based on the tibant.lib.dir property.




(Deprecated.) The path to the commons-codec.jar is now calcualted automatically based on the tibant.lib.dir property.




Obfuscate or encrypts confidential information such as passwords in property files.


Parameters specified as attributes.


A properties file you wish to encrypt. e.g., config/prod.properties


The file you want to store the encyrpted properties in. e.g., build/prod.properties


if true, output diagnostic messages




A custom encryption key. The encryption key is derived from a password provided by you. To use it, add the prefix #!! to the data you want to encrypt and use -password or -passwordFile command line parameters as appropriate. The password can contain any keyboard characters and has no length limit. If encrypting sensitive data in the deployment configuration file using your custom password, you need to provide the same password when using -passwordFile(See -passwordFile Option in TIBCO Runtime Agent Scripting Deployment User's Guide).

NOTE: Early versions of the obfuscate utility do not support specifiying an encryption password


An encrypted properties file containing only a single entry, representing your encryption password.

NOTE: Early versions of the obfuscate utility do not support specifiying an encryption password




Encrypts confidential information such as passwords in property files using an encryption key.


Parameters specified as attributes.


The password you wish to encrypt


The target file to encrypt it to.




Overwrites a destination file with the src file only if they differ. This is a utility macro used by other macros in TIBant and is used a file is generated that other tasks are dependant on. In this sitbuildions the depentant task should not be flagged as out of date if the generated file has not changed.


Parameters specified as attributes.


The file that will be copied. e.g., build/properties.cfg.tmp


The file that will be overwritten. e.g., build/properties.cfg




If true, output if the files are the same or not.




A utility macro to test if TIBCO Hawk has been configured correctly, using a code sample supplied with TIBCO Hawk.


Parameters specified as attributes.


The TIBCO Hawk domain. e.g., LOCAL




The TIBCO Rendezvous service used by TIBCO Hawk. e.g., 7474




The TIBCO Rendezvous network used by TIBCO Hawk. e.g., ;




The TIBCO Rendezvous daemon used by TIBCO Hawk. e.g., 7474






Allows you to validate resources within a TIBCO BusinessWorks Project.

NOTE: On Linux based systems an X-server is required to run the validate executable that this macro uses. On headless systems Xvfb can be used to meet this requirement: http://www.x.org/releases/X11R7.6/doc/man/man1/Xvfb.1.xhtml


Parameters specified as attributes.


The name of the TIBCO Designer Project. e.g., MyProject


The directory the TIBCO Designer Project is in. e.g., src/bw


The number of errors expected during validation. If the number of validation errors does not equal this value then the macro will fail.

Normally you whould not change this from 0, however there are times when a project produce validation errors (e.g. when using the preceding-sibling XPath axis), but you have confirmed that it does operate correclty. In these sitbuildions, you can still use this macro to validate your project, by specifying the number of expected errors.

NOTE: The macro will fail if there are less errors than expected. This is to prevent sitbuildions where you have a number of expected validation errors, and then someone makes a change which results in one of them being removed. At this point, unless this macro fails, it would be possible for new unexpected validation errors (that have not been confirmed to operate correctly) to be introduced.

(Available since version 1.4.0)




The maximum number of warnings permitted during validation. If the number of validation warnings exceeds this value then the macro will fail.

(Available since version 1.4.0)




A propertyset refid for the file aliases needed by the project




The working directory. e.g., build/working/@{project}




If true, create the /.designtimelibs file in the project root directory, based on the aliases referenced by aliases-refid




The output file for the validation results, build/working/@{project}/validation.log




Force the re-validation of the project, even if it has not changed.




Specifies the initial Java heap size to allocate




the value to use for tibco.env.PATH




the value to use for tibco.class.path.extended




the value to use for java.property.palettePath




the value to use for tibco.env.LD_LIBRARY_PATH, tibco.env.SHLIB_PATH and tibco.env.LIBPATH




Specifies the remaining command line arguments to pass into the application

  • -d: to activate the debug info dump
  • -help: to print a list of acceptable command line arguments



Custom XSLT task using Saxon XSLT engine, to workaround Apache Ant Defect 49271 (https://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=49271).

(Available since verison 1.4.1)


Parameters specified as attributes.


specifies a single XML document to be styled.


specifies the output name for the styled result from the in attribute.


name of the stylesheet to use - given either relative to the project's basedir or as an absolute path.


(Deprecated.) Now determined by the tibant.classpath ID




Parameters specified as nested elements.


additional parameters to pass to saxon in the form <arg value="someparam=somevalue"/>. See http://www.saxonica.com/documentation/using-xsl/commandline.xml for details



<tibant:xslt in="myinput.xml"
    <arg value="+myotherinput=myotherinput.xml" />
    <arg value="basedir=${basedir}" />

The above example applies the src/xslt/mystyle.xslt stylesheet against myinput.xml. It sets the parameter basedir to ${basedir} and the parameter myotherinput to the document node of myotherinput.xml and writes the results to build/myoutput.xml